This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein. In compliance of the new GDPR framework, please note that the Partnership will only process your personal data in the sole interest and purpose of the project and without any prejudice to your rights.



Diversity and inclusion, which are the real grounds for creativity, must remain at the center of what we do.

Marco Bizzarri

The MOSAIC project addresses specific needs identified in the context of Entrepreneurship Education for underrepresented founders and society. For Entrepreneurship Education Providers, there's a significant gap in the ability to effectively educate underrepresented founders. This is due to a lack of specialised knowledge, financial resources, and capacity. The education offered needs to be more accessible, inclusive, and up-to-date, incorporating comprehensive management knowledge and broader skills in line with the EntreComp framework. Educators require sensitisation and resources to provide education that is both relevant and impactful. Additionally, the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem needs to adapt to address these shortcomings, ensuring that education is in step with the needs and challenges of the current times.


This project focuses on addressing the specific needs of underrepresented founders, who often encounter significant barriers in establishing and growing their businesses. These challenges include limited access to financial resources, lack of tailored educational support, and an entrepreneurial ecosystem that does not adequately recognise their unique potential and circumstances. By enhancing adult entrepreneurship education and increasing investor awareness about these issues, the project aims to create a more inclusive environment. This will help to level the playing field, ensuring that underrepresented founders have equal opportunities to succeed in the European entrepreneurial landscape.

Our mission in the MOSAIC project is to enhance adult entrepreneurial education for underrepresented founders and increase investor awareness, thereby fostering more inclusive finance access and creating equitable entrepreneurship in Europe.

Target Group

The target group of the MOSAIC project is primarily focused on addressing the needs of various professionals and beneficiaries in the field of adult entrepreneurship education. The primary direct target group comprises professionals in adult entrepreneurship education, including institutions and educators. The project's innovative resources are designed to enhance the relevance and impact of their education programs for underrepresented founders, whether by integrating these resources into existing programs or developing new courses.

The primary beneficiaries of the MOSAIC project are underrepresented founders who participate in courses or programs utilising these resources. They stand to gain from more comprehensive and relevant entrepreneurial education tailored to their specific challenges, skill requirements, and enhanced opportunities for investor awareness and networking.

Additionally, the secondary direct target group includes entrepreneurship education professionals in the Vocational Education and Training (VET), Youth Sector, and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The project's resources, being modular and flexible, also offer synergies to these sectors.

The secondary beneficiaries are twofold: firstly, project partners, who will acquire new strategies, tools, and methods to improve the effectiveness and impact of their services; and secondly, society at large. By facilitating an inclusive entrepreneurial environment, the project aims to address the loss of innovation and economic growth potential due to limited knowledge access and fragmented support for underrepresented founders. This will help unlock the untapped potential in this sector, contributing to broader societal benefits.

Entrepreneurs never stop learning.

Daymond John